

< Object

A Ruby client library for memcached.

Classes & Modules


Name   Description
DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :namespace => nil, :readonly => false, :multithread => true, :failover => true, :timeout => 0.5, :logger => nil, } Default options for the cache object.
DEFAULT_PORT = 11211 Default memcached port.
DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 1 Default memcached server weight.
ONE_MB = 1024 * 1024 Add key to the cache with value value that expires in expiry seconds. If raw is true, value will not be Marshalled.

Warning: Readers should not call this method in the event of a cache miss; see MemCache#add.

VERSION = '' The version of MemCache you are using.


Name Visibility R/W Description
failover public R Should the client try to failover to another server if the first server is down? Defaults to true.
logger public R Log debug/info/warn/error to the given Logger, defaults to nil.
multithread public R The multithread setting for this instance
namespace public R The namespace for this instance
servers public R The servers this client talks to. Play at your own peril.
timeout public R Socket timeout limit with this client, defaults to 0.5 sec. Set to nil to disable timeouts.



Visibility Signature
public new (*args)


Visibility Signature
public [] (key, raw = false)
public []= (key, value)
public active? ()
public add (key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false)
public decr (key, amount = 1)
public delete (key, expiry = 0)
public flush_all ()
public get (key, raw = false)
public get_multi (*keys)
public incr (key, amount = 1)
public inspect ()
public readonly? ()
public reset ()
public servers= (servers)
public set (key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false)
public stats ()
protected cache_decr (server, cache_key, amount)
protected cache_get (server, cache_key)
protected cache_get_multi (server, cache_keys)
protected cache_incr (server, cache_key, amount)
protected check_multithread_status! ()
protected create_continuum_for (servers)
protected entry_count_for (server, total_servers, total_weight)
protected get_server_for_key (key, options = {})
protected handle_error (server, error)
protected hash_for (key)
protected make_cache_key (key)
protected raise_on_error_response! (response)
protected request_setup (key)
protected with_server (key) {|server, cache_key| ...}
protected with_socket_management (server, &block)

Class Method Detail


Accepts a list of servers and a list of opts. servers may be omitted. See +servers=+ for acceptable server list arguments.

Valid options for opts are:

  [:namespace]   Prepends this value to all keys added or retrieved.
  [:readonly]    Raises an exception on cache writes when true.
  [:multithread] Wraps cache access in a Mutex for thread safety.
  [:failover]    Should the client try to failover to another server if the
                 first server is down?  Defaults to true.
  [:timeout]     Time to use as the socket read timeout.  Defaults to 0.5 sec,
                 set to nil to disable timeouts (this is a major performance penalty in Ruby 1.8).
  [:logger]      Logger to use for info/debug output, defaults to nil

Other options are ignored.

Instance Method Detail

[](key, raw = false)

Alias for get

[]=(key, value)

Shortcut to save a value in the cache. This method does not set an expiration on the entry. Use set to specify an explicit expiry.


Returns whether there is at least one active server for the object.

add(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false)

Add key to the cache with value value that expires in expiry seconds, but only if key does not already exist in the cache. If raw is true, value will not be Marshalled.

Readers should call this method in the event of a cache miss, not MemCache#set or MemCache#[]=.

decr(key, amount = 1)

Decrements the value for key by amount and returns the new value. key must already exist. If key is not an integer, it is assumed to be

  1. key can not be decremented below 0.

delete(key, expiry = 0)

Removes key from the cache in expiry seconds.


Flush the cache from all memcache servers.

get(key, raw = false)

Retrieves key from memcache. If raw is false, the value will be unmarshalled.


Retrieves multiple values from memcached in parallel, if possible.

The memcached protocol supports the ability to retrieve multiple keys in a single request. Pass in an array of keys to this method and it will:

  1. map the key to the appropriate memcached server
  2. send a single request to each server that has one or more key values

Returns a hash of values.

  cache["a"] = 1
  cache["b"] = 2
  cache.get_multi "a", "b" # => { "a" => 1, "b" => 2 }

Note that get_multi assumes the values are marshalled.

incr(key, amount = 1)

Increments the value for key by amount and returns the new value. key must already exist. If key is not an integer, it is assumed to be 0.


Returns a string representation of the cache object.


Returns whether or not the cache object was created read only.


Reset the connection to all memcache servers. This should be called if there is a problem with a cache lookup that might have left the connection in a corrupted state.


Set the servers that the requests will be distributed between. Entries can be either strings of the form "hostname:port" or "hostname:port:weight" or MemCache::Server objects.

set(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false)


Returns statistics for each memcached server. An explanation of the statistics can be found in the memcached docs:


  >> pp CACHE.stats
  => nil

cache_decr(server, cache_key, amount)

Performs a raw decr for cache_key from server. Returns nil if not found.

cache_get(server, cache_key)

Fetches the raw data for cache_key from server. Returns nil on cache miss.

cache_get_multi(server, cache_keys)

Fetches cache_keys from server using a multi-get.

cache_incr(server, cache_key, amount)

Performs a raw incr for cache_key from server. Returns nil if not found.



entry_count_for(server, total_servers, total_weight)

get_server_for_key(key, options = {})

Pick a server to handle the request based on a hash of the key.

handle_error(server, error)

Handles error from server.


Returns an interoperable hash value for key. (I think, docs are sketchy for down servers).


Create a key for the cache, incorporating the namespace qualifier if requested.



Performs setup for making a request with key from memcached. Returns the server to fetch the key from and the complete key to use.

with_server(key) {|server, cache_key| ...}

with_socket_management(server, &block)

Gets or creates a socket connected to the given server, and yields it to the block, wrapped in a mutex synchronization if @multithread is true.

If a socket error (SocketError, SystemCallError, IOError) or protocol error (MemCacheError) is raised by the block, closes the socket, attempts to connect again, and retries the block (once). If an error is again raised, reraises it as MemCacheError.

If unable to connect to the server (or if in the reconnect wait period), raises MemCacheError. Note that the socket connect code marks a server dead for a timeout period, so retrying does not apply to connection attempt failures (but does still apply to unexpectedly lost connections etc.).