


Cookies are read and written through ActionController#cookies.

The cookies being read are the ones received along with the request, the cookies being written will be sent out with the response. Reading a cookie does not get the cookie object itself back, just the value it holds.

Examples for writing:

  # Sets a simple session cookie.
  cookies[:user_name] = "david"

  # Sets a cookie that expires in 1 hour.
  cookies[:login] = { :value => "XJ-122", :expires => 1.hour.from_now }

Examples for reading:

  cookies[:user_name] # => "david"
  cookies.size        # => 2

Example for deleting:

  cookies.delete :user_name

Please note that if you specify a :domain when setting a cookie, you must also specify the domain when deleting the cookie:

 cookies[:key] = {
   :value => 'a yummy cookie',
   :expires => 1.year.from_now,
   :domain => ''

 cookies.delete(:key, :domain => '')

The option symbols for setting cookies are:

  • :value - The cookie‘s value or list of values (as an array).
  • :path - The path for which this cookie applies. Defaults to the root of the application.
  • :domain - The domain for which this cookie applies.
  • :expires - The time at which this cookie expires, as a Time object.
  • :secure - Whether this cookie is a only transmitted to HTTPS servers. Default is false.
  • :httponly - Whether this cookie is accessible via scripting or only HTTP. Defaults to false.



Visibility Signature
public included (base)


Visibility Signature
protected cookies ()

Class Method Detail


Instance Method Detail


Returns the cookie container, which operates as described above.